
Singulus Singular XP ICP PECVD system for solar cells production for Sale

SDI fabsurplus.com is pleased to announce the availability of the following listed used Singulus Singular XP ICP PECVD system for solar cells production.
Please click on the "Get Quote" button at the end of the Singular XP description, if you'd like to get a quotation, photos and specifications of this ICP PECVD system for solar cells production, and your request for this equipment will be forwarded to our SDI sales representatives automatically.
This Singulus Singular XP ICP PECVD system for solar cells production is available for immediate sale.
Crating, refurbishment and delivery for this equipment can be quoted on request.

Singulus Singular XP Equipment Details

SDI ID: 106878
Manufacturer: Singulus
Model: Singular XP
Description: ICP PECVD system for solar cells production
Version: Solar
Vintage: 01.06.2015
Quantity: 3
Sales Condition: as is where is
Lead Time: immediately
Sales Price (each): Inquire




The Singulus SINGULAR ICP-PECVD is a fully automated innovative and modular PECVD coating tool for R&D and pilot production of crystalline silicon solar cells. The SINGULAR system is designed for making passivation layers for high-effciency solar cells following conventional and new cell concepts, e.g. heterojunction solar cells.
The SINGULAR system is made up of an automation module and a coating module. The coating module consists of several customizable vacuum chambers.
It allows the coating of complex layers, such as layer stacks of different materials e. g. AlOx/SiNy. The key feature of the tool is the ICP-PECVD technology.

The inductively coupled plasma (ICP) excitation allows control of film properties for various materials such as SiNx, AlOx, SiOxNy at high deposition rates. The process variability, the small tool footprint in combination with an excellent total ”Cost Of Ownership“ makes SINGULAR ideally suitable for upgrades of existing production lines.

SINGULAR allows developing new manufacturing processes for cell efficiencies above 20 % .
Therewith, SINGULUS makes a valuable contribution to continuous improvements with respect to efficiency and manufacturing cost of PV modules, being a necessity to reduce the costs and enable the large-scale deployment of PV electricity.

Main Features:

    Industrial proven multi-chamber ICP-PECVD coating tool
    Lowest cost of ownership
    Modular design for various processes (e. g. SiNx, SiOxNy, AlOx, a-Si ...)
    Single- and multi-layer capability
    Double-side coating capability
    Small footprint
    Integrated electrical and gas cabinets
    Efficient use of raw materials like electrical power, process gases ...
    Low noise level (no grey room necessary)
    High uptime
    Easy to operate
    Easy to maintain
    Inline cleaning processes available (e. g. for a-Si)
    Customized tool configuration, e. g. usage of special gases e. g. TMB, phosphine, organic precursors like TMAl
    Integrated automation solution
    Inline and cluster operation possible
    All types of automation cassettes suitable

Main Characteristics

Cluster Setup

The SINGULAR XP series is equipped with an integrated automation unit, which allows loading automation carriers into the system. After processing the wafers are also stored into an automation carrier. The SINGULAR XP is executed with two magazine conveyor stations. Each station can store up to 5 filled and 5 empty automation carriers (magazine). The wafers are unloaded from this magazine and stored after processing back into a magazine. Typical magazines and automation cassettes are available.

SINGULAR Platform Technology

SINGULAR is a fully automated coating tool designed for the mass production of silicon solar cells. It consists of one coating module with up to five independent vacuum process stations. This modular design makes it possible to adapt the tool setup individually to process demands and cell concepts. The SINGULAR platform is equipped with a single load lock. The load lock meets two functions, first bringing the uncoated wafers from ambient air environment into a high vacuum chamber with a base pressure below 10-5 mbar and second ejecting the coated wafers from the system. Inside the main vacuum chamber, the wafers follow an in-line setup throughout every process station (PS1-PS5). Each process station can be equipped with different processes, like IR heating or ICP-PECVD.

New Cell Processes with SINGULAR XP for High-efficiency Cells

The SINGULAR XP platform is applied at research centers and institutes in Europe, North America and Asia in different configurations. The involved R&D teams take advantage of the flexibility of the SINGULAR to perform industry orientated R&D as well as to advanced application orientated basic research to further improve the efficiency of solar energy conversion. Current major topics are rear side passivated cells (PERC type) and heterojunction cells. The target is to develop a sustainable energy supply based on solar resources.

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