You can now search with more advanced features:
You can use the following operators to search more words:
wafer handling
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
+wafer +handling
Find rows that contain both words.
+wafer handling
Find rows that contain the word wafer, but rank rows higher if they also contain handling.
+wafer -handling
Find rows that contain the word wafer but not handling.
Find rows that contain words such as manufacturer, manufacturers, manufacture, or manufacturing.
"some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase some words (for example, rows that contain some words of wisdom but not some noise words). Note that the "' characters that surround the phrase are operator
characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotes that surround the search string itself.
+wafer +(>load
Find rows that contain the words wafer and load, or wafer and chip (in any order), but rank wafer load higher than wafer chip.
And now after you have searched the first time, you can "Search within Search"!
A new Search in Results box appears where you can search within the displayed results,
and you can also use the search operators here!