Featuring many items of 300 mm and 200 mm Wafer Fab Equipment from AMAT, LAM, NOVELLUS, TEL, HITACHI AND KLA-TENCOR.
Major Items Include:
Applied Materials Producer SE2.
Applied Materials Reflexion.
Applied Materials SemVision G2.
KLA-Tencor 2810.
Hitachi S9380 CD-SEM.
Lam Research Kiyo 2300.
Lam Research 2300 Metal.
Lam Research Altus.
Lam Research Vector.
Nanometrics Atlas
TEL ACT 8 Tracks.
Vacuum Pumps, 200 mm wafer bar-code readers, probers, chillers, testers, ovens, test handlers, oscilloscopes and much more !!
Equipment List
Here follows the list of items available for purchase in this sale, also listed in the attached excel file, available also to download by clicking here.
To see photos and technical specifications regarding each of these lots for sale, please click on the links shown in the XLS file.
How to submit an offer
All assets will be sold by “Closed bid”.All offers should be submitted ASAP via e-mail.
Featuring Excellent Recent-Vintage G8.5 and G5 Amorphous Silicon PECVD Deposition Systems with Many Other Semiconductor and Solar-related Equipments.
Under the Instruction of a Leading US-based Manufacturer of Solar Panels, we are pleased to offer the following high quality Solar Cell Testing, Large-format Solar Panel Manufacturing, Solar Cell Manufacturing, Semiconductor Test, Reliability and Semiconductor Wafer Fab Equipment for immediate sale via closed-bid. Major items include:
A Jonas and Redmann CTS 3600 solar cell tester and sorter.
A Sheffield Endeavor Coordinate Measurement System.
A fully-automated 35 MW Baccini Solar Cell Production line.
A Centrotherm E2000 Phosphor Doping Furnace.
A Canon ES2+ 248 nm lithographic scanner for 200 mm wafers.
An ELES ART 200 Burn-in-Board testing system.
An Applied Materials 7830i CD-SEM for 200 mm wafers.
KLA-Tencor Surfscan AIT UV Fusion wafer inspection system for 200 mm wafers.
Two Mazzali Climatest C320G5 Temperature and Humidity Test Chambers.
A Roth and Rau SiNa Plus PECVD Silicon Nitride Deposition System for Solar Cells
A RENA Edge-Isolation System for Solar Cells.
An STS 320 PC Laboratory Reactive Ion Etcher for 200 mm wafers.
Two TEL MB2 730 HT WSi CVD deposition systems for 200 mm wafers.
An Agilent / Verigy V6000e Memory Tester.
A Weiss TS 130 Thermal Shock Testing Chamber.
Vacuum Pumps, 200 mm wafer bar-code readers, probers, chillers, testers, ovens, test handlers, oscilloscopes and much more !!
New lots include:
A Hitachi S9300 CD-SEM Scanning Electron Microscope, 200 mm.
Edwards PHMB2400 + PRV mechanical pumps qty 2.
Edwards iXH500H and iXH450H Mechanical Pumps.
Edwards iH1800 Mechanical Pumps qty 7.
Edwards iF30K Mechanical Pumps qty 3.
Edwards iXL5000Q Mechanical Pumps qty 3.
Edwards iXH3030 Mechanical Pumps qty 3.
Edwards Marathon S Exhaust Gas Scrubbers qty 3.
Daihen RGA-150A1 15 KW RF Generators, qty 4.
Edwards Neptune Exhaust Gas Scrubber.
Auction Closes 23rd of May. Place your bid now !
A video of the AKT PECVD G8.5 55k Amorphous Silicon Deposition System is shown here:- https://youtu.be/GP-AxxVEhbU
A video of the AKT PECVD G5 15k Amorphous Silicon Deposition System is shown here:- https://youtu.be/gDHjfOPo7Pc
Auction Catalog
Here follows the list of lots available for purchase in this sale, also listed in the attached excel file, available also to download by clicking here. To See photos and technical specifications regarding each of these lots for sale, please click on the links shown below. To place a bid, please compile the auction agreement, attached, with the SDI ID of each lot which you wish to purchase, and send it back to us scanned, in order to register your bid properly.
Viewing of assets
You are very welcome to come and view any of the assets by appointment. Assets are located in Fremont,California, Temple,Texas, San Antonio,Texas, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia and Avezzano, Italy. To arrange a viewing, please send a mail to: auction@fabsurplus.com.
All bids should be submitted before 12 Midday on Thursday, 23rd May, 2019, Pacific Standard Time. You will be notified of your winning bids within 48 hours of the closing date.
On Behalf of Hotpack Packaging (UK) Ltd. and Ash Group Ltd., SDI-Fabsurplus is pleased to announce the immediate sale of a Complete 257 MW Solar Module Manufacturing Facility via closed-bidding.
Location: Wrexham, UK
The former production Line of Sharp Solar (UK) Ltd.
Recent vintage
Still installed
Available immediately
Can be inspected by appointment
Please refer to the attached photos showing details of the equipment and the line layout.
Estimated annual output capacity:257 MW per year
Virtually all items making up the line were purchased in 2010-2012.
Following the $15M USD upgrade in 2010-12, the line was operated for less than 3 years until 2014
Made up of 2 lines , each of approximate capacity 128 MWp
Currently configured for 3 BB/grid
Fully automated with Roller Transport System
A video of the line is shown here:
And here is another video:
The Capacity Calculation for the lines is as follows:
Cycle time of each tabber per cell produced: 5.23
Hours of production Per shift: 12 hours
Number of Tabbers per line: qty 7
Each module is 245 watts (60 cells, 4W per cell).
KW per line produced for each shift: 211.505736 KW
Number of shifts per day: 2
Number of Lines: 2
Number of Working Days Per Year: 337
Total MWatt per year: 285.109732
We assume total losses of 10%.
Total MWatt production per year: 256.60 MW
The engineering team who installed and supported the line are available to
answer any further technical questions, and also for eventual dismantling.
Inspection of the line is available by appointment.
Auction Catalog
Here follows the list
of lots available for purchase in this sale, also listed in the attached excel
file, also available at the following link:
You may bid on the
complete line, or submit your bid for any of the individual items , separately.
To See photos and technical specifications regarding each of these lots for
sale, please click on the links shown below. To place a bid, please compile the
auction agreement, attached, with the SDI ID of each lot which you wish to
purchase, and send it back to us scanned, in order to register your bid
Closing date
All bids should be submitted before 17:00 on Thursday, 16th May, 2019, Pacific Standard Time. You will be notified of your winning bids within 48 hours of the closing date.
You are very welcome to come and view any of the assets by appointment. All items are located in Wrexham, UK .To schedule an inspection , please contact our sales manager in the UK, Duncan Lovett. Duncan has a wide-ranging experience of industrial equipment sales and marketing , built up over the years since 1983. Duncan can be contacted as follows:
Manufacturer: Baccini Model: 35MW Solar Cell Line Description: Solar Cell Print line for Mono or Poly Crystalline Solar Cells Comments: De-installed and warehoused in March 2012. Location: Port Klang, Malaysia. Front end of line (Printers and dryers, chip and crack camera) s/n: 900140650010 Purchased from Q-Cells. Fully Automated Line Polycrystalline Solar Cells 16% plus efficiency cells
Equipment includes the following:- 1 x Redmann loader-cassette to conveyor 1 x Conveyor 1 x Chip and crack camera 1 x Baccini Printer 1 1 x Baccini Dryer 1 1 x Baccini Printer 2 1 x Baccini Dryer 2 1 x Baccini printer 3 1 x Centrotherm dryer 1 x Centrotherm fast firing furnace 1 x Centrotherm cooler 1 x Centrotherm output table 1 x Innolas laser 1 x Baccini unloader to stack 1 x Baccini color sorter with flipper 1 x Baccini electrical tester 1 x Baccini sorter 1 1 x Baccini sorter 2
welcome your requests for items on this list for immediate purchase via a
process of closed-bidding as soon as possible.
The 2nd
list is a list of the equipment owned by SDI-Fabsurplus Group of Companies and
in stock in our warehouses in Italy, Texas and Malaysia. We welcome your offers
and requests for items by return.
We are participating in a closed bid-auction for the attached list of 102 items of 300 mm top-of-the-range fab equipment , including such popular brands as:
Nikon SF 130 exposure tools
Varian Viista implanters,
Novellus Speed CVD
AMAT Endura, Mirra and Producer GT
Axcelis Optima and Paradigm implanters,
Lam 2300 etchers and much more.
We will be adding more photos and details of the equipment to our web listings as it becomes available. We welcome your requests for items on this list for immediate purchase via a process of closed-bidding as soon as possible.
The 2nd excel list is a list of around 900 items which have recently come available for re-sale, including several complete and partial lines of solar, FPD, assembly and semiconductor equipment.
Stephen Howe (Italy and Texas) Tel (USA) 830-388-1071 and Italy (+39) 335-710-7756 info@fabsurplus.com Duncan Lovett (UK) Tel (UK) +44 7410-015-583 duncan@fabsurplus.com Nobuyuki “Nick” Matsushima (Japan) Tel +81 90-1032-7512 nickm@fabsurplus.com Sean “Sung Ho” Bang (California and Korea) Tel +1 408-593-7699 seanbang@fabsurplus.com
Thanks very much for your attention to my message. We look forwards to getting your requests for equipment soon.