Dear Customers and Friends,
I attach our complete “Equipment For Sale” list and “Equipment Wanted” list updated on 20th February 2020.
This month we are pleased to announce a NEW SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE.
If you join our “Subscription Service”, we will send you all the updates to our listings for the next 3 months, including COMPANY AND CONTACT NAMES.

How it works
A limited number of subscriptions to our website will be available on a “first come, first served” basis.
Subscription fee : $800 USD for 3 months.
Comment: Payment guarantees that for the designated 3 month period the subscriber will
receive via e-mails:
- All compiled “for sale” list updates and “for sale” listings that include the Company & Contact names for:
- All End User For Sale surplus equipment;
- All Broker/Reseller/Rebuilder For Sale surplus equipment;
- All WANT ads Except End Users ‘WANT’ ads;
- ALL Wanted listings;
- ALL For Sale listings;
-Subscribers pay NO FEEs for referrals to other brokers and resellers;
– Subscribers only pay Fabsurplus a service fee of 3% whenever:
1) subscriber requests a referral and a referral is issued;
2) and the referral ‘leads to a sale’ (A SALE MUST OCCUR);
-All listing companies and brokers/resellers are asked not to list equipment for sale by other brokers, resellers or rebuilders.
That is, the person listing the equipment should either own the equipment listed or is brokering equipment for sale by an End User.
-equipment must be updated at least every 3 months;
-request referrals to sellers ONLY IF your customer is not another broker/reseller.
-‘WANT’ ads have been listed within 4 weeks of the ‘Updated’ date;
-‘WANT’ ads are deactivated 4 weeks after the date listed;
-resellers/brokers are asked not to list equipment wanted by other resellers/brokers.
-This subscription service is personal and limited to one user per subscription. All equipment “For Sale” and “Wanted” listings are copyright, confidential and cannot be reproduced / shared with 3rd parties.
-This subscription service is provided in accordance with the following “terms of use” .
To subscribe, please either reply to this message or click on this link to submit your subscription request.
Join now and harness the potential of
More info at:
Thanks so much for your kind attention.

SDI Fabsurplus LLC
Stephen Howe
Company Owner
Mobile:(USA) +1-830-388-1071
Mobile:(Italy) +39-335-710-7756
Skype: stephencshowe